Our black belt test for each black belt rank is a two part test. First part is a skills demonstration. We have to demonstrate 10 different self-defenses each time (we have 100 self-defense) against 10 different specific kinds of attacks. We also have to demonstrate an additional skill, which can be a weapon, a kata or any skill that applies to martial arts. One of my skills was an iron palm demonstration. The second part is an day of endurance and character starting before the sun comes up with calisthenics, running, demonstrating all of our forms and techniques we have learned, and repeating everything over and over for about 5 - 6 hours. Then we end with sparing and grappling. The purpose is to see how far we can push ourselves as well as how we respond when we are pushed to that point. Do we give up? Do we loose control of our emotions or our body? Or do we find what we need in ourselves to push forward and stay in control of our thoughts, emotions and body? Life is full of challenges. There is no escaping that reality. All we can do is control how we respond to those challenges.
Below are videos of my self-defense and skill demonstrations for each black belt rank I've earned.
Below are videos of my self-defense and skill demonstrations for each black belt rank I've earned.
My demonstration of 10 self-defenses for my first degree black belt test.
First degree black belt skill demonstration, push hands applications.
First degree black belt second skill demonstration, iron palm demonstration.
My demonstration of 10 additional self-defenses for my second degree black belt test.
My second degree black belt skill demonstration, sword form and applications.
Third degree black belt self-defense demonstration, 20 additional self-defenses.
Third degree black belt skill demonstration, point striking.